Simple Machines

  1. 5. The ability to not be effected by something
  2. 8. Number that represents the strength of the force
  3. 9. A rigid bar to exert a pressure or sustain a weight t one point and turning on a fulcrum at a third
  4. 10. Type of pulley where force directions stay constant
  5. 12. Ratio of the magnitude of the resistance and effort forces (abbreviated)
  6. 13. Simple machine that is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder and a wheel and axle used to create rotary motion
  7. 14. Type of pulley that changed direction of force
  8. 15. Distance between threads on a screw
  9. 16. Ratio of distance traveled by effort and resistance force (abbreviated)
  10. 18. A lever arm fixed to a shaft, called an axle
  11. 19. the turning effect of a force about a point equal to the magnitude of the force x perpendicular distance to line of action from the force distance x force
  12. 20. Work=____xDistance
  1. 1. Lever consisting of a wheel with a groove in its rim that is used to change the direction and magnitude of a force exerted by a rope or cable.
  2. 2. a flat surface set at an angle with no moving parts. Able to lift objects by pushing or pulling
  3. 3. Ratio of force magnitudes (abbreviated)
  4. 4. functions as a moving inclined plane used for splitting, raising heavy things or tightening by being driven into something
  5. 6. Mechanisms that manipulate magnitude of force and distance
  6. 7. Number of simple machines
  7. 11. Ratio of useful energy output to total energy input
  8. 17. Force applied on an object times distance the object travels parallel to the force force x distance