Simple machines

  1. 3. An elevator is a...
  2. 6. When were levers invented?
  3. 7. A teeter-totter is a...
  4. 11. What is the ratio of output of force to input of force in a system?
  5. 12. A knife is a...
  6. 13. A machine that makes things easier.
  7. 14. What simple machine does a car use?
  1. 1. What type of simple machine is a ramp?
  2. 2. What is it called when a machine has more than one simple machine?
  3. 4. what was the first simple machine?
  4. 5. Who invented the simple machine?
  5. 8. how many types of levers are their?
  6. 9. What type of simple machine can be used by a screwdriver?
  7. 10. How many simple machines are there?