Simple Machines

  1. 4. The class of lever that has the effort in the middle.
  2. 5. An axe blade is an example of this.
  3. 6. This is an inclined plane.
  4. 8. This simple machine uses a fulcrum.
  5. 10. A push or pull on an object.
  6. 12. Your Science duotang is this.
  7. 15. The number of types of pulleys we learned about.
  1. 1. The name for the spirals on a screw.
  2. 2. The class of lever that has the fulcrum in the middle.
  3. 3. A pulley with the load attached to the ceiling.
  4. 5. Your axle needs this to be useful.
  5. 7. The three types are fixed, movable, and combined.
  6. 9. A pulley that is attached to the load.
  7. 11. The amount of friction is affected by this.
  8. 13. Your wheel needs this to be useful.
  9. 14. This forces stops a ball from rolling.