Simple Machines

  1. 2. an inclined plane wrapped across a cylinder
  2. 4. a thin edge that is driven between two objects to secure it in place
  3. 5. The object you are trying to lift or move
  4. 9. A plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal
  1. 1. the point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots.
  2. 2. Any device that makes work easier by changing the direction or amount of force needed to accomplish the task.
  3. 3. when a force produces motion in the same force as the force
  4. 6. A wheel fastened to an axle that has a rope going through it
  5. 7. a rigid bar resting on a pivot to move a heavy or firmly fixed load.
  6. 8. a wheel with a groomed rim around which a cord passes over or under