Simple Machines

  1. 2. A flat surface that is higher at one end. Ramps can help lift heavy objects.
  2. 9. A rod at the center of a wheel or pulley. The wheel spins around the axle.
  3. 10. Type of simple machine. A lever has a long beam that rests on a point called a pivot.
  4. 12. Something that happens suddenly. It is often dangerous.
  5. 13. A machine that is made up of smaller machines. It can have several different simple machines.
  6. 16. The rubbing of one object against another.
  7. 17. A simple machine with angled sides. Wedges can split things apart.
  8. 18. Grooves and ridges that go around a screw
  1. 1. What something is made of. Metal, glass, and wood are materials.
  2. 3. A simple machine. It has a wheel with a rope running over it. Pulleys can help lift heavy objects.
  3. 4. The point that a lever moves around.
  4. 5. The force that pushes on a lever
  5. 6. The object that a lever tries to move.
  6. 7. A machine that uses a screw to push a weight down. Presses can be used to crush things.
  7. 8. A push or a pull.
  8. 11. The ability to do work. We use energy to lift or move things.
  9. 14. Something that helps us do work.
  10. 15. Slanted.