Simple Machines

  1. 3. simple machine that is an inclined place wrapped around a rod
  2. 4. something that is used to make work easier
  3. 7. the amount of force you put into machine
  4. 9. simple machine with a thick and thin edge
  5. 11. simple machine that is a circular component attached to a rod
  6. 13. 2 or more simple machines put together
  7. 14. the unit for distance
  1. 1. the amount of force you get out of machine
  2. 2. the unit for force
  3. 5. simple machine that is a sloped surface
  4. 6. simple machine that is a bar that rotates around a fixed point
  5. 8. simple machine that has a cable that rides a groove
  6. 10. the unit for power
  7. 12. the unit for work