Simple Machines

  1. 2. a push or pull object, is a cylinder shape, one end has a solid top, the other end is a tip.
  2. 4. This is in the middle of a 3rd class lever
  3. 6. are wheels with teeth along the edges
  4. 7. Devices that help make work easier.
  5. 10. Can be used to hold objects in place?
  6. 11. combination of 2 types of pulleys
  7. 12. the shape
  8. 14. the steeper the slope more ______ is needed?
  9. 15. a wheel with a rope, cable, chain or belt looped over it.
  10. 16. We use them at the edge of sidewalks, store entrances etc.
  1. 1. there are 3 different classes of _____?
  2. 3. this worked better than rollers
  3. 4. Simple Machines make work ________?
  4. 5. a person pulls a rope making a load lift
  5. 8. the load is attached to one pulley while the other pulley is fixed.
  6. 9. this is what the teeth are called for gears
  7. 13. move a load more easily.
  8. 14. the turning point on a lever is called the _____?
  9. 17. this is in the middle of a second class lever