Simple Machines

  1. 2. Simple machines increase this
  2. 5. Knives and axes are examples
  3. 7. Class of lever with fulcrum in middle
  4. 8. Object the simple machine is helping to move
  5. 9. Simple machine that uses a wheel and a rope
  6. 12. Rod that attaches to the center of the wheel
  7. 13. A _________ pulley system allows you to lift twice your weight
  8. 14. Simple machines reduce this
  9. 15. Class 3 lever used for digging holes
  10. 17. Class of lever with load in middle
  11. 18. Simple machines do not change this
  12. 19. Large round part that attaches to an axle
  13. 20. Inclined plane wrapped around a rod
  1. 1. Also known as a ramp
  2. 3. A _________ pulley system raises objects the same distance you pull
  3. 4. More than one simple machine working together
  4. 5. Class 2 lever used for transporting materials
  5. 6. Pivot point of a lever
  6. 10. Simple machine that uses a rigid bar and a fulcrum
  7. 11. Class 1 lever on the playground
  8. 16. Class of lever with effort in middle