Simple Machines

  1. 3. the point at which a rod pivots
  2. 7. task
  3. 10. wells)
  4. 12. a rod or beam that pivots on a fulcrum (seesaw)
  5. 13. a circular piece rotating on an axis
  6. 14. a type of inclined plane (axe, knife)
  7. 16. pizza cutter)
  1. 1. any device that makes work easier by changing
  2. 2. a flat surface tilted at an angle (slide)
  3. 4. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  4. 5. do a task
  5. 6. lid, spiral staircase)
  6. 8. a wheel and axle with a cable
  7. 9. direction or the amount of force required
  8. 11. object being lifted/ task being accomplished
  9. 15. the force being used to move object