Simple Machines

  1. 2. machine that produces a large movement from a small movement
  2. 3. point about which a lever pivots
  3. 5. a wheel with teeth
  4. 9. a double inclined plane
  5. 10. the gear that receives force from a driving gear
  6. 14. lever with a fulcrum at one end, load in the centre
  7. 16. lever with fulcrum at one end, load at other and load in centre
  8. 17. a rod that pivots about a point
  1. 1. lever with effort and loads located at each end
  2. 4. increases the force applied
  3. 6. overcome by a lever
  4. 7. the gear that supplies force to another gear
  5. 8. reduces the effort needed to lift a load
  6. 9. a lever with axle as a fulcrum
  7. 11. outer edge of a wheel
  8. 12. a grooved wheel over which rope or cable can slide
  9. 13. train a system of interconnected gears
  10. 15. Shaft on which a wheel rotates