Simple Machines

  1. 4. Effort is also known as______
  2. 7. A_______is the point a lever rests or is supported by
  3. 8. _______is a force applied through distance
  4. 9. A______is a simple machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge, or fulcrum
  5. 10. A______is the weight applied to a surface
  6. 11. A______is a triangular shaped tool, a portable inclined plane
  7. 13. In_______levers the load is between the effort (force) and the fulcrum.
  8. 14. ________is how much easier the machine makes the work
  1. 1. Resistance is also known as______
  2. 2. A______is a simple machine consisting of a twisted inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder in ridges.inclinedplane
  3. 3. A______lever is when the fulcrum is at one end and the force is applied in the middle and the weight is on the other end.
  4. 5. A______is a wheel on an axle or shaft that is designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable or belt, or transfer of power between the shaft and the cable or belt
  5. 6. The________is a simple machine consisting of a wheel attached to a smaller axle so that these two parts rotate together in which a force is transferred from one to the other.
  6. 12. ______is the measurement of work