Simple Machines

  1. 4. A simple machine that is a smooth, flat surface tilted at an angle, like a ramp
  2. 7. A simple machine that is a disk or a ring (the wheel)attached to a rod (the axel so that both turn together
  3. 9. A combination of two or more simple machines, such as a bicycle
  4. 11. A simple machine that is a rigid bar that turns on a fixed point
  5. 13. A simple machine that is an incline plane wrapped around a column
  6. 15. One of 6 simple tools that make work easier, including inclined planes, levers, wedges, screws, pulleys, and wheels and axels
  7. 16. something being moved by a machine
  8. 19. The force that tends to keep a load from moving
  9. 20. A pulley consisting of fixed pulley(s) and moveable pulley(s)
  10. 22. A pulley that moves along with the load
  11. 24. A simple machine that uses a grooved wheel and a rope to move a load
  12. 25. the distance between each turn of the thread on a screw
  1. 1. The fixed point on which a lever turns
  2. 2. A lever whose fulcrum is opposite the load, with the effort between them, like tweezers
  3. 3. A pulley that does not move; the load is attached to a rope that moves over the pulley
  4. 5. Two or more pulleys used together to move a load
  5. 6. A simple machine that is two incline planes back to back
  6. 8. A lever whose fulcrum is between the effort and the load, like a seesaw
  7. 10. A force that resists motion, caused by surfaces rubbung together
  8. 12. A lever whose fulcrum is opposite the effort, with the load between them, like a wheelbarrow
  9. 14. A tool or device that makes work easier
  10. 17. the tiny ramp that spirals around the shaft of a screw
  11. 18. Moving a load over a distance
  12. 21. A push or pull that makes something move
  13. 23. The force a person puts forth to do work