Simple Machines

  1. 2. this is what simple machines help us do
  2. 3. ___ low pitched threads increase a screws MA
  3. 6. rotational force
  4. 7. this is always longer in third class levers
  5. 10. two inclined planes together
  6. 12. is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  7. 13. pulley MA equals the number of ___ supporting a load
  8. 15. class of lever where the load is in the middle
  9. 16. class of lever where the effort is in the middle
  10. 17. pulleys make lifting objects ____ easier
  11. 18. converts ____ force into linear force
  12. 20. the larger the ___ of a wheel the greater the MA
  13. 23. the pivot point of a lever
  14. 25. the longer the effort arm the ___ the MA in levers
  15. 26. makes lifting heavy object easier
  16. 28. the place you put force into a lever
  17. 29. inclined planes reduce this
  18. 30. a beam/rod that rotates on a fixed point
  1. 1. pulleys redirect a ___ force into an upward force
  2. 4. levers help lift a ____
  3. 5. if this is larger, MA is always less than 1
  4. 8. the ability of a machine to lessen the burden of work
  5. 9. class of lever where the fulcrum is in the middle
  6. 11. simple machines make work ____
  7. 14. this will always have force applied to it
  8. 19. wedges convert a downward force into an ___ force
  9. 21. a circular disk that guides a rope
  10. 22. function of wedges
  11. 24. these kinds of inclined planes have greater MA
  12. 27. a machine with an MA of 1, input force ___ output force