Simple Machines

  1. 2. Any device that makes work easier by changing the distance, size, or direction of the force.
  2. 4. The The object being lifted/the task being accomplished when using simple machines.
  3. 5. A simple machine that has an axel going through a wheel.
  4. 8. A simple machine that consists of a wheel and axel with a slit in the wheel for a rope to go through.
  5. 9. The point at which the rod pivots on in a lever.
  6. 10. A simple machine comprised of two inclined plains.
  1. 1. A simple machine that is a cylinder with an inclined plane wrapped around it.
  2. 3. A simple machine that is a flat surface tilted slightly upwards.
  3. 6. A simple machine that has a rod/beam that pivots on a fulcrum.
  4. 7. The force used to lift a load.