Simple Machines

  1. 3. A compound machine with two lever
  2. 5. A pivot point for the lever and helps shift the weight using a lever
  3. 7. simple machine that is made of a circle and an axel put through the middle it is used as a tire
  4. 8. simple machine that is made of a block that has a cut in it and it is sometimes used as a door stopper
  5. 9. simple machine that is made of a beam and a fulcrum
  1. 1. simple machine that is made of an Incline plane curled around a metal rod
  2. 2. Simple machine that is made of a rope lying on a wheel
  3. 4. A Simple machine that is made of a block with a cut in it like a sideways triangle
  4. 6. A compound machine made of wheels and axels
  5. 8. When a force produces motion in the same direction as the force, work is done