Simple Machines

  1. 2. grooved wheel with a rope
  2. 4. window blinds
  3. 5. Mechanical advantage formula
  4. 6. attached to something that doesn't move
  5. 7. inclined plane wrapped in a spiral
  6. 8. wheel and axle
  7. 10. 1st class
  8. 12. 3rd class
  9. 14. system of pulleys consisting of fixed and moveable pulleys
  10. 15. one end is fixed and the wheel is free to move
  1. 1. a ramp; inclined plane
  2. 3. the measure of how much work put into a machine is changed into useful output work used by the machine
  3. 6. 2nd class
  4. 9. machine that works with only one movement
  5. 11. bar that pivots around fixed point
  6. 13. inclined plane with two or more sloping slides