Simple Machines

  1. 2. A car is the example of
  2. 4. What uses a wheel that is rigid and uses a rope to move heavy objects
  3. 9. Can be used to dig a hole
  4. 11. A dump truck is an example of a?
  5. 12. Nail is an example of?
  6. 13. A item that can be found at a playground that your rock back and forth with
  7. 14. Used to cut up food
  1. 1. What machine uses a structure like ramp to move objects easier
  2. 3. Used to cut down or chop wood
  3. 5. Place where to load up your boat
  4. 6. Used to open glass bottles
  5. 7. Can be used to roll out dough
  6. 8. A bottle opener is an example of a?
  7. 9. Is straight and has swirls on the side
  8. 10. Used to take out nails or take something apart