Simple Machines

  1. 3. an object being lifted or moved
  2. 5. uses a wheel and rope to move heavy objects
  3. 6. an incline plane that is wrapped around a cylinder with a flathead on one end
  4. 7. and Axle round solid object that connects to a rigid bar and provided mechanical advantage in moving/rolling objects
  5. 9. the fixed point where a lever turns or pivots
  6. 10. something that produces action, a moving force
  7. 11. the act of a surface of an object rubbing against each other
  1. 1. two inclined planes that are back to back
  2. 2. an instrument of work
  3. 4. a force that causes rotation
  4. 5. strength or force that can be exerted on other bodies
  5. 7. an effort in doing or making something
  6. 8. rigid bar that rest on a pivot and allows the user to exert force on one end
  7. 9. a push or pull
  8. 12. Plane flat supporting surface tilted at an angle with one end higher than the other