Simple Machines

  1. 3. This simple machine uses a cylindrical object to rotate around its central axis, reducing the force needed to perform a task.
  2. 4. Bearing This simple machine reduces friction and is often used in rolling objects.
  3. 6. Pulley This simple machine combines multiple pulleys to reduce the force needed to lift an object.
  4. 10. Lever This type of lever has the effort force positioned between the load and the fulcrum.
  5. 12. This part of a lever is the point on which the lever pivots.
  6. 13. This simple machine is often used in door hinges to allow smooth movement.
  7. 16. System This simple machine is used in cranes to lift heavy materials to greater heights with ease.
  8. 17. Lever This type of lever has the fulcrum positioned between the load and the effort force.
  9. 19. This simple machine is a combination of two inclined planes and is used to split or separate objects.
  10. 20. This simple machine consists of a circular object that rolls around a central axis.
  1. 1. Train This simple machine consists of two or more gears working together to increase mechanical advantage.
  2. 2. Lever This type of lever has the load positioned between the fulcrum and the effort force.
  3. 5. This simple machine consists of a bar that pivots on a fixed point called a fulcrum.
  4. 7. Wedge This simple machine uses slanted surfaces that move in opposite directions to split an object apart.
  5. 8. and Axle This simple machine is made of a circular object attached to a rod and is used to magnify force.
  6. 9. This simple machine is a spirally grooved cylinder used to hold objects together or lift materials.
  7. 11. This simple machine is a wheel with a grooved rim through which a rope passes to lift objects.
  8. 14. Plane This simple machine is a flat surface set at an angle to help move objects up or down.
  9. 15. and Tackle This simple machine uses a wheel and a rope to lift heavy objects with less effort.
  10. 18. This simple machine is used to fasten two objects together and has a spiral shape.