Simple Machines Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. What is the only exception for the Thermal Expansion of Matter?
  2. 3. Doesn't have a definite shape or volume; Most energy in the universe.
  3. 6. Amount of energy needed for a liquid to change into a gas.
  4. 7. States that everything is made up of atoms and they are constantly moving.
  5. 9. Doesn't have a definite shape or volume; Most energy in the world.
  6. 10. Has a definite shape and volume.
  1. 1. Amount of energy needed for a solid to change into a liquid.
  2. 4. Doesn't have a definite shape but has a definite volume.
  3. 5. Any object that has mass and takes up space.
  4. 8. When matter is heated it _______. This is called the Thermal Expansion of Matter.