Simple machines- gr 6

  1. 2. the work done by a machine
  2. 5. amount of matter in an object; not dependent on gravity
  3. 7. a sloping surface that reduces the amt. of force required to lift an object
  4. 10. force times distance
  5. 12. measures how well a machine converts input energy, work and power into output energy, work and power
  6. 13. tool used to measure the weight of an object or the force on an object
  7. 14. unit used to measure mass of objects
  8. 15. a rigid bar or board that is free to move around a fixed point (fulcrum),
  1. 1. is necessary to do work and the object must move in response to the force
  2. 3. tool used to measure the mass of an object
  3. 4. device that makes work easier for us by allowing us to push or pull over increased distances
  4. 6. unit used to measure weight or force
  5. 8. has a grooved wheel with a rope running along the groove, can change the amt. or direction of force applied
  6. 9. is the standard unit for measuring work
  7. 11. the ability to cause change or a property that enables something to do work