Simple Machines Review 134

  1. 3. how much power is generated by a machine doing 90J of work in 3s.
  2. 6. the stored energy because of height or shape
  3. 8. the wedge and screw are examples of what machine?
  4. 10. what is an example of a first class lever
  5. 11. the type of mechanical advantage that shows the measure of all forces working on a machine
  6. 13. SI uint for power
  7. 14. the measure of what a strong horse can do in an hour
  1. 1. the number of times that a machine increases its output force
  2. 2. SI unit for work and energy
  3. 4. what is an example of a second class lever?
  4. 5. the energy of movement
  5. 7. the type of mechanical advantage that would occur if friction did not exist
  6. 9. how is work out put related to work input
  7. 12. what is the SI Unit for force