Simple Machines Vocabulary

  1. 5. taking into consideration the inputs, outputs and side effects of systems
  2. 7. push or pull
  3. 8. a device that requires a single force to work; made of only one or two parts
  4. 9. the force, energy, or raw materials that you put into a system
  5. 12. a group of people, or other organisms, joining together to perform tasks and establish relationships
  6. 14. w=fxd
  7. 15. the unit used to measure forces (N)
  8. 16. a substance that reduces friction and causes surfaces to slide more easily
  9. 17. a group of parts that work together to perform a desired task
  1. 1. the unintended or undesired outputs of a system
  2. 2. the task or service that a system performs
  3. 3. the quantity of force
  4. 4. a group of physical parts that work together to perfrom a funtion
  5. 6. the ratio of output force to input force for a given machine
  6. 10. the force that resists the movement of objects sliding or rolling over one another
  7. 11. the result when a force moves an object a certain distance
  8. 13. the ability to apply a force to move an object a distance