Simple Machines, Work, and Power

  1. 1. force a machine exerts on an object
  2. 4. ____&____ simple machine that consists of a shaft and wheel
  3. 6. force x distance
  4. 8. class lever with effort in the middle
  5. 10. units for work
  6. 13. long rigid bar that pivots around a fixed point
  7. 14. a pair of inclined planes that is movable
  8. 16. force applied to the machine
  9. 17. rate at which work is done
  10. 18. class lever with load in the middle
  11. 19. device that changes the way work is done
  12. 20. grooved wheel with a rope to lift a load
  13. 21. the ability to do work
  1. 2. energy divided by time
  2. 3. _____&_____ made of both movable and fixed pulley
  3. 4. use of force to move an object
  4. 5. flat surface with a slope to move an object a distance
  5. 7. machine made of a series of chain reactions to complete a task
  6. 9. the support that a lever pivots around
  7. 11. machine that makes up other machines
  8. 12. units for power
  9. 15. class lever with fulcrum in the middle