Simple Machines

  1. 2. when work is done, this is the force that the machine does
  2. 5. a more complicated machine that combines simple machines such that the output force of one becomes the input force of another
  3. 7. the benefit provided by a machine (output force/input force)
  4. 10. any device that makes work easier
  5. 11. effectiveness of a machine (output work/input work)
  6. 13. when work is done, this force is what you do
  7. 14. a simple machine made of two connected round objects that rotate about a common axis
  1. 1. the fixed point that a lever pivots around
  2. 3. the most basic device for making work easier
  3. 4. the product of a force being applied over a certain distance (FXD)
  4. 6. a rigid bar that is free to pivot, or rotate, on a fixed point
  5. 8. a flat, sloped surface that allows you to exert your input distance (a wedge and screw are specific types)
  6. 9. the center point or line around which something rotates (spins)
  7. 12. a force that always lowers the efficiency of a machine