Simple Machines

  1. 2. air: earth: magic:____
  2. 3. equals force applied times distance
  3. 5. I am created from combining simple machines
  4. 6. thick at one end and thin at the other, good for making narrow crevices
  5. 8. I come before the working product so they may improve or fix the final design
  6. 10. smaller parts working together to form something much larger by interacting with each other.
  7. 12. a plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal
  8. 13. a wheel with a grooved rim which a cord passes through and usually helps with lifting heavy weights.
  9. 14. ratio of force applied by the machine to the force applied to it
  10. 16. round and round, I have no end and no beginning, no top or bottom, I am the reason cars can move what am i?
  11. 17. “give me a place to stand and with a _____ I shall move the world!” - Archimedes
  12. 19. I am not mass but I am close to the same on earth, for gravity defines me. What am I
  13. 21. I am kinetic, electrical, potential, thermal, wind, nuclear, and many more.
  14. 22. I am an inclined plane wrapped around a pole.
  15. 23. miles, kilometers, centimeters, inches, meters, millimeters, feet, yards
  16. 24. I am made from the energy of potential and make things move what am I?
  1. 1. family :clan :improve :______
  2. 4. inside – side + vent
  3. 7. ml3, cm3, l x w x h
  4. 8. I am the word they use when movement and motion are studied and observed. What am i?
  5. 9. I am increased or decreased depending where I am at, and I am transferred to kinetic energy often. What am I.
  6. 11. lever, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, wheel, screw
  7. 15. external power that provides kinetic energy
  8. 18. hot: cold: accident: ____
  9. 20. computer, oven, TV, phone, car, watch, robots. They all have a mechanical function and are listed as a _______.