Simple Machines

  1. 3. a wheel to move a greater distance with less effort.
  2. 5. The fixed balancing point of a lever. An example of a fulcrum is
  3. 7. machines A machine in which two or more simple
  4. 9. A simple machine that applies force to a fixed bar
  5. 10. wood and rocks and raising heavy objects.
  6. 16. force The force exerted to do work.
  7. 17. A simple machine that consists of a rigid bar turning on a fixed point
  8. 18. an axle, which that is attached to a wheel.This force is multiplied and
  9. 19. inclined planes.
  10. 21. Gravity and friction can be considered resistance forces.
  11. 23. in combination to increase applied force in order to make work easier.
  12. 24. A simple machine that tapers to a thin edge and can be used for
  1. 1. machines Devices used to reduce the effort force needed to do
  2. 2. advantage (MA) The number of times that a machine multiplies
  3. 4. have been combined. Pliers are an example of a compound
  4. 6. that uses a lever and a wheel-and-axle.
  5. 8. force The push or pull on an object that works against effort
  6. 9. around it.
  7. 11. plane A simple machine that uses a ramp to reduce the effort
  8. 12. effort force.The greater the MA, the less effort force is required.
  9. 13. wheel that can turn to reverse the direction of a force. Pulleys are
  10. 14. A simple machine consisting of a cord or rope wrapped around a
  11. 15. by spreading that force over greater distance and/or reducing resistance
  12. 20. and tackle A compound machine consisting of fixed and
  13. 21. by increasing the distance. A wedge and a screw are examples of
  14. 22. A simple machine consisting of a central core with a groove