Simple Machines

  1. 2. force exerted on an object that causes it to move
  2. 4. simple machine that consist of a rope/cable that is wrapped around a grooved wheel
  3. 7. fixed point around which a lever pivots
  4. 9. simple machine that is an inclined plane that moves
  5. 10. and axle simple machine made of two circular/cylindered objects that are fastned together and that rotate about a common axis
  6. 11. work done on a machine as the input force acts through the input distance
  7. 13. a device that changes the amount of force exerted, the distance over which a force exerted or the direction in which force is exerted
  8. 14. simple machine that consist of a rigid bar that pivots about a fixed point
  9. 16. advantage number of times a machine increases a force exerted on it
  1. 1. unit of work equal to one newton/meter
  2. 3. work done by a machine as the output force acts through the output distance
  3. 5. machine a machine that utilizes two or more simple machines
  4. 6. plane simple machine that is a flat, slopped surface
  5. 8. rate at which work is done
  6. 12. simple machine that is an inclined plane wrapped around s central cylinder to form a spiral
  7. 15. percentage of the input work that is converted to output work