Simple Machines

  1. 5. the unit of work
  2. 6. a wheel with a groove in it that changes the direction of a force on a rope
  3. 7. chopsticks are an example of this type of lever
  4. 13. a push or pull
  5. 14. The _____ for work is W = Fd
  6. 16. The greater the ______ through which a force is applied, the more work is done.
  7. 17. the pivot point of a lever
  8. 18. a rigid bar that pivots around a point
  1. 1. A doorknob is an example of this simple machine
  2. 2. a machine that is comprised of two or more simple machines
  3. 3. the application of force over distance
  4. 4. two inclined planes placed back to back make this machine
  5. 8. basically it is a ramp
  6. 9. These have few or no moving parts
  7. 10. a force that works against an exerted force, like on a lever
  8. 11. a force applied to a machine, like a lever
  9. 12. another unit for work besides the Nm
  10. 15. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder