Simple Machines

  1. 3. Force force applied by the machine.
  2. 4. How quickly something is done.
  3. 6. Machines Machines that are combinations of simple machines.
  4. 10. Machines Machines that does work with only one movement.
  5. 11. any rigid rod or plank that pivots, or rotates about a point.
  6. 12. Happens when a force causes an object to move in the same direction that the force is applied.
  7. 13. one or two sloping slides.
  1. 1. Force force applied on a machine.
  2. 2. The point where the lever pivots.
  3. 5. Plane flat, sloped surface.
  4. 7. Consists of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped over it.
  5. 8. inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or post.
  6. 9. and Axle Consists of two circular objects of different sizes that are attached in such a way that they rotate in sync.