Simple Machines

  1. 5. The distance from the tallest part of the ramp to the ground
  2. 6. Machines that have lots of components
  3. 9. The force made by the object we want to move--main part of a lever
  4. 10. ______ class lever - has the point of resistance in the middle
  5. 11. A simple machine that uses a wheel
  6. 12. It is a rigid bar that lets us exert force on a point of support and lift objects
  7. 13. When people are the main source of energy that makes a machine move
  8. 15. There are ______ classes of levers
  1. 1. The shape a ramp makes against the ground
  2. 2. A common example of a first class lever, found in the classroom
  3. 3. ______ class lever - has the force in the middle
  4. 4. A ramp that lets us raise and lower objects
  5. 7. The distance from the beginning to the end of a ramp
  6. 8. In a first class lever, the point of support is ______ the force and the resistance
  7. 10. The point of ______ is a main part of a lever
  8. 14. The center part of a pulley