Simple Machines

  1. 3. Two Inclined planes back to back
  2. 5. Two or more simple machines
  3. 6. ratio of the input and outforce applied to the machine
  4. 8. Force makes an object move in a different direction
  5. 10. The fulcrum is between the input force and the load
  6. 11. Flat,and has a slanted surface
  7. 13. A bar that rotates at a fixed point
  8. 14. The input force is bewteen the fulcrum and the load
  1. 1. An inclined plane that is wrapped around a cylinder
  2. 2. The load is between the fulcrum and the input force
  3. 3. Made up of two large round objects that move together
  4. 4. percentage of input and output force
  5. 7. Work done by input force and input distance
  6. 9. Work done by outforce and output distance
  7. 12. Has a grooved wheel that holds a rope or a cable