Simple Machines

  1. 3. si unit for work
  2. 5. a machine made up of combinatin of simple machines.
  3. 7. a device that makes doing work easier.
  4. 10. a machine th does work with only one movement.
  5. 12. consists of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped over it.
  6. 13. a inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or post.
  7. 14. the force that you apply on a machine.
  8. 15. inclined plane that moves.
  9. 16. any rigid rod or plank that pivots, or rotates, about a point.
  1. 1. the force the machine applies.
  2. 2. equation for work
  3. 4. si unit for power.
  4. 6. a flat,stoped surface.
  5. 8. point about which the lever pivots.
  6. 9. two circular objects of different sizes that are attached in such a way that the rotate together.
  7. 11. how quickly work is done.
  8. 15. a force exerted on an object causes that object to move some distance