Simple Machines

  1. 3. a device that makes work easier. We use them in our everyday lives.
  2. 5. a simple machine that would help chop down a tree
  3. 6. without this simple machine, your desk would fall apart
  4. 8. an inclined plane is wrapped around a ________ to make a screw
  5. 11. two round objects working together that can make a doorknob
  6. 13. if you combined a wheel and axle, lever, and a wedge to make a can opener, what would this be called?
  1. 1. It can lift objects to higher places using a fulcrum point. Ex: seesaw
  2. 2. the point in the middle of a lever; allows a seesaw to move the way it does.
  3. 3. a wheelbarrow is a ______ class lever
  4. 4. you might use this simple machine if you were pushing a heavy box into a moving truck
  5. 7. if a ball moves in the direction that it is pushed, this is being done.
  6. 9. if you were to pull down on a pulley, that input force would be called ______
  7. 10. There are _ different classes of levers
  8. 12. a unit of energy;a newton-meter
  9. 14. a simple machine that would help hang your clothes up to dry