Simple Machines

  1. 3. a slanted surface along which a force moves an object to a different elevation
  2. 5. a rigid bar that is free to rotate around a fixed point
  3. 7. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  4. 8. the output force is located between the input force and the fulcrum
  5. 10. the distance between the output force and the fulcrum
  6. 11. the fixed point the bar rotates around
  7. 12. a simple machine that consists of two disks or cylinders, each one with a different radius
  8. 13. the distance between the input force and the fulcrum
  1. 1. a V-shaped object whose sides are two inclined planes sloped toward each other
  2. 2. the fulcrum is located between the input force and the output force
  3. 4. a simple machine that consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel
  4. 6. the input force is located between the fulcrum and the output force
  5. 9. a combination of two or more simple machines that operate together