Simple Machines

  1. 2. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  2. 4. a device made from a rigid bar that turns around a fixed point
  3. 6. the amount of work an object can do based on its potential and kinetic energy
  4. 7. a slanted surface along which a force moves an object to a different elevation
  5. 11. a combination of two or more simple machines that operate together
  6. 13. stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object
  7. 14. the ability to do work
  1. 1. a simple machine that consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel
  2. 3. two different sized circular objects that are attached together and turn as one
  3. 5. a quantity that expresses how much a machine multiplies force or distance
  4. 8. energy that an object has due to its motion
  5. 9. the fixed point around which a lever pivots
  6. 10. a device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end
  7. 12. a result of a force moving an object a certain distance