sinjin drowning

  1. 2. kalynns star sign
  2. 5. westons first name
  3. 8. their intro song for most gaming videos
  4. 9. the music video kalynn kept quoting in the sleepover video
  5. 12. westons art instagram page
  6. 13. amount of followers on twitch
  7. 14. names of their cats
  8. 17. who ordered it?
  9. 18. sister that’s missing
  1. 1. game they’re playing in their most popular video
  2. 3. sign that’s in kalynns twitter header
  3. 4. westons roblox username
  4. 5. weston and kalynns ex neighbor
  5. 6. quote that’s on their letter board currently
  6. 7. kalynns birthday
  7. 10. month and year of weston and kalynns first video that wasn’t a podcast
  8. 11. where weston and kalynns friend aksel is from
  9. 15. song that everyone wants them to release
  10. 16. character kalynn is playing as in their first total drama island roblox video