SIOP 8 Components and 7 features

  1. 6. Concepts must be directly related to the students’ background experiences, when possible, whether personal, cultural, or academic.
  2. 7. The teacher models thinking through concepts and problems by verbalizing his or her explicit thinking with students.
  3. 8. Planning must produce lessons that enable students to make connections between their own knowledge and experiences and the new information being taught.
  4. 10. All students, including English language learners, benefit from instruction that frequently includes a variety of grouping structures. It is recommended that at least 2 different grouping structures be used during a lesson.
  5. 12. Teachers must use speech that is appropriate to the students’ language proficiency level.
  6. 14. Describe what the students will learn during the lesson.
  7. 15. How well the stated content and language objectives are supported during the lesson, to what extent students are engaged in the lesson, and how appropriate the pace of the lesson is to students’ abilities.
  1. 1. Lessons should include multiple opportunities to use hands-on materials or manipulatives to learn and practice the content and should include activities for students to apply content and language knowledge in their learning.
  2. 2. Students self-select vocabulary words that they think are essential to understanding the concept.
  3. 3. To determine how well students have understood and have retained key vocabulary and content concepts.
  4. 4. Restating a student response to model correct English usage and grammar.
  5. 5. Use to assist students in grasping the “wholeness and parts” of a concept. Graphic organizers are also used to improve mathematics reading comprehension, verbal communication, writing and story problem solving skills.
  6. 9. Describe how the students will learn the content of the lesson.
  7. 11. Include techniques, methods, and mental processes that enhance comprehension for learning and retaining information.
  8. 13. English language learners benefit from opportunities to use English in multiple settings across content areas. Learning is certainly more effective when students have an opportunity to participate fully, actively discussing ideas and information.