- 1. Where did the Julia go to college the first time?
- 4. How many years have they technically been together?
- 5. What is their favorite type of food to go out and eat?
- 7. What is Eriks favorite car?
- 8. What is their dogs name?
- 12. What is Erik’s go to candy?
- 14. Where was their first date?
- 16. What was the name of Erik’s last dog?
- 17. Where did the Erik propose?
- 19. How many siblings do Erik and Julia have combined?
- 21. What is Julia’s birth month?
- 22. Who said I love you first?
- 2. What is the Julia allergic to?
- 3. What is the Julia’s signature drink?
- 6. What is something Julia would love to throw away of Erik’s?
- 9. Who is more stubborn?
- 10. What does Erik leave in the shower?
- 11. Who spilled the beans of the engagement?
- 13. What are the type of flowers Erik always brings Julia on special occasions, her favorite.
- 14. What is the Erik’s favorite beer?
- 15. What is the Eriks middle name?
- 18. What was something Julia always told Erik he could propose with?
- 20. What does Erik play every other weekend?