Sip 'n Solve

  1. 5. The bride’s other favourite artist (4,9)
  2. 12. Groom's favourite colour (6)
  3. 13. The couple's favourite song (6)
  4. 15. Location of the marriage proposal (8,4)
  5. 18. Bride's favourite singer (6,5)
  6. 19. The suburb both the groom and bride first lived in upon arrival in NZ (6)
  7. 22. The couple's favourite board game (5)
  8. 23. Groom’s favourite snack (10)
  9. 25. The groom’s favourite childhood comics (10,2,6)
  10. 27. The band covered in the first concert (Candlelight String Quartet) the couple saw together (4,4)
  11. 30. Name of the maid of honour (6)
  12. 31. Sport the groom played in high school (10)
  13. 32. The couple's favourite season (6)
  14. 33. Bride’s favourite snack (5,5,3)
  15. 36. The couple's favourite fruit (5)
  16. 37. Bride's hometown in Philippines (5)
  17. 38. The couple's favourite dramedy (6,5)
  18. 40. Bride's obsession during COVID lockdowns (5,6)
  19. 41. Number of cousins the couple has combined (6,4)
  20. 42. Name of the wedding venue (11,6)
  21. 45. The couple's first date activity (7)
  22. 46. Groom's favourite hobby (5)
  23. 48. Location of the bride's tattoo (8)
  24. 49. Month when the groom proposed (7)
  25. 50. University the groom completed his BSc and Msc at (6,10)
  26. 51. Hogwarts house the bride was sorted into (10)
  27. 52. Bride’s first language (6)
  28. 53. Name of the best man (11)
  29. 54. Groom's favourite music genre (7,4)
  30. 55. The couple's favourite cuisine (8)
  31. 56. The groom’s birth month (4)
  1. 1. Colour of the bridesmaid dresses/groom's tie (4,5)
  2. 2. Groom's hometown in India (4)
  3. 3. Bride's favourite hobby (9)
  4. 4. Groom's middle name (6)
  5. 6. The last great walk the couple hiked together (6,5)
  6. 7. Bride's favourite colour (5)
  7. 8. The groom’s first language (5)
  8. 9. Hogwarts house the groom was sorted into (10)
  9. 10. Groom's favourite book (6,2,10)
  10. 11. Flavour of the wedding cake (4,9)
  11. 14. The bride’s favourite subject in high school (8)
  12. 16. The bride’s birth month (6)
  13. 17. Groom's highschool (9,7)
  14. 20. Bride flew to Australia solo for this Kpop band (4)
  15. 21. Couple’s favourite non-alcoholic beverage (4,3)
  16. 24. Bride's middle name (3)
  17. 26. Bride's highschool (6,7)
  18. 28. What the bride studied at university (10)
  19. 29. Name of the wedding celebrant (7)
  20. 34. Month when the couple met (7)
  21. 35. University the groom completed his PhD at (10,2,8)
  22. 39. The couple's favourite anime (3,5)
  23. 43. Number of people in the wedding entourage (9)
  24. 44. First dish they cooked together (4,3,5)
  25. 47. Groom’s specialisation (12)