Sip & Serve

  1. 4. Groom’s NBA team
  2. 6. The honeymoon location
  3. 7. Groom's zodiac sign
  4. 11. Bride’s NBA team
  5. 13. Groom's favorite video game
  6. 15. Groom's favorite color
  7. 16. The month they met
  8. 17. Bride's birth month
  9. 18. Bride's favorite season
  1. 1. Their favorite food
  2. 2. Their favorite shoe
  3. 3. Bride's favorite holiday
  4. 5. Groom's middle name
  5. 8. Groom’s birth city
  6. 9. Bride’s favorite flower
  7. 10. Amount of years they have been together
  8. 12. Their total number of siblings
  9. 14. First trip together
  10. 15. Bride's mother's name
  11. 17. The month he proposed