sip & solve

  1. 3. marks fav holiday
  2. 5. years together
  3. 6. marks fav team
  4. 7. is mark team iphone or android
  5. 9. month he proposed
  6. 12. who introduced them
  7. 14. favorite sport to watch together
  8. 16. location of bachelorette party
  9. 18. fav outdoor hobby together
  10. 19. marks fav wine
  1. 1. state they live in
  2. 2. where he prposed
  3. 4. city bride was born in
  4. 8. honeymoon destination
  5. 10. grooms college mascot
  6. 11. grooms middle name
  7. 13. where they met
  8. 15. brides fav color
  9. 17. the couple loves ___ game night