Sip & Solve

  1. 3. Years the couple has been together
  2. 6. Where Kelton proposed
  3. 7. Claire's comfort food
  4. 8. Kelton's favorite game
  5. 10. City where the couple met
  6. 12. What color is the couple's boat
  7. 16. First country visited together (not the USA)
  8. 17. Number of the states the couple has visited together
  9. 18. Color of the bridesmaids' dresses
  1. 1. What city does the couple live
  2. 2. Kelton's comfort food
  3. 4. Bride's middle name
  4. 5. Couples favorite type of wine
  5. 8. Claire's favorite game
  6. 9. Month the couple got engaged
  7. 11. The Bride are groom are how many months apart in age
  8. 13. Who is older
  9. 14. Groom's middle name
  10. 15. Couple's favorite TV show
  11. 16. Couple's college mascot