Sip & Solve

  1. 1. First to RSVP
  2. 2. Location of Honeymoon
  3. 6. Bride's work department
  4. 9. Groom's newest hobby: Baking _____
  5. 12. Groom's go-to alcoholic drink
  6. 13. Location of Proposal
  7. 14. Groom's first god-son
  8. 18. Which fire station does the groom work at?
  9. 21. Their matchmaker
  10. 22. Where was the groom born?
  11. 23. Bride's College Mascot
  12. 25. Card game they play weekly with friends
  13. 26. Ring Bearer
  14. 27. Wedding Hashtag
  15. 28. Groom's most recent favorite card game
  1. 1. Which Peji did the bride meet first?
  2. 3. How many siblings will the bride & groom have after today? (full, half, step…)
  3. 4. Who said "I love you" first?
  4. 5. Their goodest boy
  5. 7. Winter hobby they love to do together
  6. 8. How many tattoos do they have in total?
  7. 10. Dating anniversary month
  8. 11. How many years have they been together?
  9. 15. How many years have they known each other?
  10. 16. Name of Bride's company
  11. 17. Bride's collegiate track & field speciality
  12. 19. High school of Bride & Groom
  13. 20. First international trip together (2023)
  14. 24. Bride's Middle Name