How Well Do You Know the Brides?

  1. 2. Mary's grad school and Lori's undergrad school, ______ University
  2. 5. Lori's bachelorette party destination
  3. 7. Mary's hometown
  4. 8. The DC brewery where they had their first in-person date, Blue _______
  5. 11. The folks that put on virtual Lesbian Speed Dating
  6. 12. Mary's college sport
  7. 14. The month Mary & Lori got engaged
  8. 16. The DC neighborhood Mary & Lori live in
  9. 18. Mary's bachelorette party destination
  10. 19. The river they go boating on most often
  1. 1. Lori's college sport
  2. 3. The name of their elegant, well-mannered dog
  3. 4. Lori's profession
  4. 6. Their honeymoon destination
  5. 9. Lori's law school and Mary's undergrad school, University of ________.
  6. 10. The name of their derpy, snaggle-toothed dog
  7. 13. Lori's hometown
  8. 15. Mary's profession
  9. 17. The state where Mary and Lori visited three of the 19 remaining lesbian bars in the U.S.