Sir Gawain & the Green Knight

  1. 2. A sleeveless cloak or cape, worn over a tunic or dress
  2. 6. correct
  3. 7. a code of gentlemanly, honorable, and heroic behavior
  4. 8. so large, heavy, or oddly shaped as to be difficult to hold or use
  5. 9. to lift up; hoist
  6. 11. marked by skill and imagination; clever
  7. 14. effective
  8. 17. firm
  9. 19. a period of rest or delay
  10. 20. fame
  11. 22. To take pleasure in something; to enjoy
  12. 24. to destroy the courage of; dismay
  1. 1. punishment accepted by a person to show sorrow for wrong-doing
  2. 3. a feeling of embarrassment caused by humiliation or failure
  3. 4. harass; torment
  4. 5. Rough, noisy, especially in the sense of jolliness
  5. 10. of little value
  6. 12. pay back
  7. 13. Part of the harness that controls a horse
  8. 15. frighteningly unnatural or supernatural; mysterious
  9. 16. struck with terror or amazement; shocked
  10. 18. pretend to attack
  11. 19. an expression of disapproval; criticism
  12. 21. to spring back involuntarily, as in pain
  13. 23. A plant with spiny leaves and red berries; associated with Christmas