Sitting, Waiting, Wishing (Golden Calf) Exodus 32:1-35

  1. 4. Moses threw the tablets and did this to them.
  2. 5. Before he went up, Moses told the elders that if they needed anything, they could talk to him or Hur.
  3. 9. The people ate and drank and did this wildly in front of the golden calf.
  4. 11. He was the one God had chosen to lead the people out of Egypt.
  5. 15. One day, God called Moses up to the top of this to meet with him.
  6. 16. We can choose to be this and remember how good God has been to us.
  7. 17. Later, God called Moses to meet with Him again on the this.
  8. 19. The people became this in Exodus 32:1
  9. 21. God's people chose their own way instead of God's way and they had to face the this.
  10. 24. Moses was carrying two heavy stone these covered with the laws God had given.
  11. 25. The people were trying to make a this of God that they could see and worship.
  12. 26. God told Moses that he had lifted his people on the wings of these.
  13. 28. God lead Israel through the Red Sea and then through the this.
  1. 1. God provided his people bread from here.
  2. 2. God's people forgot how this God had been to them along the way.
  3. 3. He rescued his people from slavery in Egypt.
  4. 6. The people brought these to honor the golden calf.
  5. 7. Moses burned the calf in the fire, ground it into this, put it into water, and made the people drink it.
  6. 8. Moses stayed within the this on the mountain, talking with God, for 40 days and 40 nights.
  7. 10. For hundreds of years, God's people had lived as slaves here.
  8. 12. As Moses approached the this, he saw the calf and the people dancing.
  9. 13. Waiting for later for what you want now.
  10. 14. The glory of God settled on the mountain like clouds and this.
  11. 18. Moses and his assistant named this went back up the mountain.
  12. 20. Bottom Line: When you have to wait, remember what's this.
  13. 22. After three months, God led his people to this mountain, where they camped in the desert at the bottom of the mountain.
  14. 23. Joshua heard the people shouting and thought it sounded like they were at this.
  15. 27. Aaron told the people to give him their jewelry. He melted it down and made it into the shape of a calf made out of this.
  16. 29. God also provided his people water from a solid this.