Six o'clock class CRIME & PUNISHMENT crossword

  1. 2. A person who steals from someone in the street with violence (or the threat of violence)
  2. 5. Evidence
  3. 8. A serial killer, he feels no empathy
  4. 15. A person who kills another person
  5. 16. A clue for an investigation, it's a mark that a criminal leaves at the scene
  6. 17. To commit a crime on a computer
  1. 1. A crime where you lie about the money in a business, a financial crime
  2. 3. An adjective that describes a person who commits a crime
  3. 4. When the criminal threatens to tell a secret if you don't pay him
  4. 6. A person who steals in a bank or a shop
  5. 7. A person who steals something
  6. 8. A person who steals your wallet or your phone in a metro, on a bus, on the street and you don't notice
  7. 9. To enter a house by force
  8. 10. A place where you pay for your crimes
  9. 11. A person who has seen a crime
  10. 12. An act in a court
  11. 13. Typical Spanish corruption
  12. 14. A person who lives in a prison