Size, Color, and Emphasis

  1. 1. printer primaries
  2. 3. painter primaries
  3. 4. this tonal range has a lot of variety and tends to feel very lively
  4. 6. the relative size between two elements
  5. 9. A group of colors restricted to a single hue, varying only in saturation and value.
  6. 11. Color identifiers. Group and separate game elements.
  7. 14. add black to a hue
  8. 20. this tonal range has little variety and tends to be more relaxed.
  9. 21. When other compositional elements bow down to the focal point.
  10. 23. How much variety there is between tones.
  11. 27. pixel values, ranging from 0 to 255
  12. 28. add gray to a hue
  13. 29. measures a value
  14. 32. light primaries
  15. 33. This key is established in a piece with medium tones, Static & stable
  16. 35. establishes the overall value of a piece
  17. 36. Area or object that draws attention.
  1. 1. A type of colors. Very saturated.
  2. 2. the physical dimensions or magnitude of an object. Can be directly measured, and can be either relative or absolute.
  3. 4. Fire and sunset colors. Active, assertive, passionate.
  4. 5. Ocean/water colors, relaxing and quiet.
  5. 7. Communicate properties of an element to a player.
  6. 8. The purity or strength of a color.
  7. 10. Another word for saturation?
  8. 12. This key is established when a piece is dominated by dark colors; often makes pieces look heavy and somber
  9. 13. This key is established when a piece is dominated by light tones, giving it a lightweight/airy feel.
  10. 15. neighboring colors and their differences will be amplified.
  11. 16. Completely desaturated colors. Slide the saturation scale to 0.
  12. 17. the size relationship between different objects/ how much of the piece an element takes up
  13. 18. Small areas of color are placed close together. Pixels on your screen, say.
  14. 19. A group of colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
  15. 22. The Fibonacci center, say.
  16. 24. color, say, or size
  17. 25. A type of colors. Warm or cool grays, say.
  18. 26. The relative darkness or lightness of a hue
  19. 30. A group of colors using multiple but similar hues. Like an iridescent blue x green look. Adjacent hues!
  20. 31. Generally, color names; what you get when you scroll across the color wheel.
  21. 34. add white to a hue