Skeletal system

  1. 3. a joint moves a bone toward the midline of the body
  2. 5. this skeleton is the principal supportive structure of the body
  3. 6. this joint is a reduced ball-and-socket configuration in which significant rotation is largely excluded
  4. 7. a joint is to bend it or decrease the angle between the bones of the joint
  5. 8. a fibrous, cellular, vascular, and highly sensitive life support sheath for bone
  6. 11. a joint moves a bone away from the midline of the body
  7. 14. this bone marrow is a fatty connective tissue that does not produce blood cells
  8. 16. these bones have two or more different shapes
  9. 18. internal rotation of the radiohumeral joint in which the hand and wrist are turned palm down
  10. 19. these bones are predominantly cancellous bones with a thin cortex of compact bone and have no cavity
  11. 21. these joints are freely movable within ligamentous limits and bony architecture
  12. 23. end of a long bone
  1. 1. generally means straightening a joint
  2. 2. external rotations of the radiohumeral joint in which the hand and wrist are turned palm up
  3. 4. this joint has two concave articulating surfaces, permitting all motions but rotation
  4. 7. these bones are more flat than round
  5. 8. this joint has a ring of bone around a peg
  6. 9. is the cavity of the diaphysis
  7. 10. these bones are clearly longer in one axis than in another
  8. 12. the principal artery and major supplier of the oxygen and nutrients to the shaft or body of a bone
  9. 13. this joint permits movement in only one plane: flexion/extension
  10. 15. the healthy cartilage between the epiphyseal and diaphyseal centers of ossification becomes what plate
  11. 17. shaft of a long bone
  12. 20. this type of bone forms the stout walls of the diaphysis
  13. 22. these bones are mostly bone, often mixed with fibrous tissue and cartilage